#TrumpFacts: Twitter shows Trump how ‘unsafe’ London is

You’d think Donald Trump would know this by now: say something controversial and you’re surrounded. By hashtags.

Trump has already upset Londoners by saying that areas of the city are so unsafe that the police live in fear of their lives. Well, Twitter users have retorted with … #TrumpFacts.

No, seriously. Even the British monarch has been roped into this one.

London lives in fear — apparently. Even legendary music bands have been cajoled into changing their names …

… and in the center of the city stands an imposing landmark that calls the attention of the country. (Er, it’s the Post Office Tower).

Even Big Ben, the symbol of British parliament, has had a mandatory image overhaul. (Psst — it’s actually the Royal Mecca Clock Tower, Saudi Arabia.)

This is a British mail box. Or is it?

Try telling this one to move when you can’t find a parking space.

Making the Queen wear a headscarf just isn’t enough. Wait — isn’t that the Royal Albert Hall?

And if we can’t get a seat in the Palace, there is always the Mecca chain of bingo halls …

… and even men in shorts forced to cover their heads. (Comedy troupe Monty Python look thrilled.)

But it’s not our fault, Donald.

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