Community Guidance Center Now Providing Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

The Community Guidance Center (CGC) is now providing Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Clarion, Clearfield, Jefferson and Indiana counties.

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation services will be offered primarily in the individual’s home and community.

Staff work with individuals with a transition or a need that cannot be addressed in site-based Psychiatric Rehabilitation.  This is not a long-term service and is dependent on need.

The individual can also attend site-based Psychiatric Rehabilitation services while receiving Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation when both services are justified.

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation is a non-clinical adult program designed to be a consumer directed and a recovery oriented program for individuals with psychiatric disabilities so that they can improve their quality of life. The program offers groups in the domains of living, learning, social, vocational and educational.

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation will work closely with the individual in the following areas: Skills Building, Community Resources, Daily Living Activities, Job Preparation/Communication, Nutrition, Health Living and Socialization.

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation is developed for individuals 18 years of age or older and who have a present or past serious mental illness, such as Schizophrenia, Major Mood Disorder, Psychotic Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder.

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation will help the individuals gain skills in order to meet their needs and work toward meeting the goals that they choose to continue along the pathway of recovery.

The CGC Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program is currently accepting referrals.  Referrals can be made by calling our toll free number 888-686-1991.


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