Latino group offers $5,000 bounty to ‘Disrupt Trump’ on ‘SNL’

A Latino group has offered a $5,000 “bounty” to anyone who will disrupt Donald Trump’s appearance on “Saturday Night Live” this weekend. said it will pay the bounty to anyone who is “clearly heard saying ‘Deport Racism’ or ‘Trump is a Racist'” during Saturday’s broadcast.

In order to collect, the individual must be identified by name in the media. If more than one person disrupts Trump, the bounty will be split evenly, the group said. is registered with the Federal Election Commission and according to its website, is “dedicated to fighting anti-Latino and anti-immigrant racism in the 2016 election.”

“NBC has invited Donald Trump to be the host of ‘Saturday Night Live’ on November 7 despite outcry from the Latino community and supporters of equality that giving Trump a platform on the hit comedy show sends the wrong message that his offensive and racist comments about Latinos and Mexicans are acceptable,” the group said. went on to say, “This is a chance to turn Trump’s appearance on the show into a media story that addresses his racist comments against Latinos.”

Trump’s appearance as host of “SNL” has been criticized by Latino groups, angered by his comment that many Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists.

The National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts and the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda sent a letter to Lorne Michaels, the executive producer of SNL, last month to say they were “flabbergasted” at Trump’s invitation.

Protesters outside of NBC headquarters on Wednesday delivered more than 500,000 signatures to NBC for the network to scrap Trump as host.

NBC did not immediately respond for comment regarding the bounty or if security would be added for the broadcast on Saturday.

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