Justin Trudeau sworn in as Canada’s Prime Minister

Once again, after a more than three-decade interlude, Canada is being led by a Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau was sworn in Wednesday as Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister, bringing fresh blood and an established pedigree to his country’s top job given that his late father, Pierre, held the same position for all but a few months from 1968 to 1984.

“Canadians from all across this country sent a message that it is time for real change, and I am deeply honored by the faith they have placed in my team and me,” Trudeau said immediately after his swearing in.

“Canadians chose a positive and optimistic plan for the future, and we will immediately begin implementing our plan for a strong middle class.”

The younger Trudeau’s ascent comes 16 days after his Liberal party scored an absolute majority in the general election, a victory that ended Stephen Harper’s nearly 10 years as Prime Minister.

Trudeau: ‘We built the plan to make it happen’

Trudeau arrived at his swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall — Canada’s equivalent to the White House — flanked by his wife and ministers. Throngs of supported greeted him, cheering and waving as he walked down the driveway into his new home.

His 10-step ceremony was presided over by the Governor General of Canada David Johnston, who also heads Canada’s military. After reading oaths of office in both French and English and signing oath books, the new Prime Minister was then entertained by two Inuit children who performed traditional music for those on hand.

Following his swearing-in, Trudeau signed the “Instrument of Advice” nominating his ministry officials before each of them were sworn in officially to create the new government.

The 43-year-old campaigned on a platform that differed in many ways to the more conservative Harper. On Election Night, though, Trudeau stated that above all else he and the Liberal party won because “we listened.”

“Canadians expect to see their values and priorities reflected in their government, and we have listened closely to them,” Trudeau reiterated. “Canadians told us what kind of government they want, and we built the plan to make it happen.”

Exceeded expectations in campaign

When the campaign cycle began earlier this year, some considered Trudeau too much of a political neophyte — he worked as a teacher and advocate before winning a Parliament seat in 2008 — to captain Canada, regardless of his last name.

Yet, much like he’s shown in the boxing ring during charity events, Trudeau proved to be a fighter capable of exceeding expectations.

“We beat fear with hope, we beat cynicism with hard work,” he said following his victory. “We beat negative, divisive politics with a positive vision that brings Canadians together.”

Changes coming to domestic, foreign policies

It appears that the Liberal party’s victory could mean big changes for Canada.

Trudeau campaigned to revamp tax policies to more benefit middle- and low-income citizens, invest more in public transit and “green infrastructure,” bolster gun-control measures, legalize marijuana and open Canada’s doors wider to immigrants.

It’s not clear which issue he’ll tackle first, though Trudeau has already told U.S. President Barack Obama that he’ll pull his country from the U.S.-led bombing campaign against ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq. He vowed that Canada will remain “a strong member of the (anti-ISIS) coalition” in what he called “a responsible way.”

“He understands the commitments I’ve made around ending the combat mission,” Trudeau told reporters late last month, without giving a time frame.

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