Mets fan celebrates too soon with ‘champs’ tattoo

This has to sting.

A Mets fan has joined the legion of Sports Fans With Premature Tattoos after having the New York Mets logo and “World Champs 2015” tattooed on his side during the first game of the recently concluded World Series.

You know, the ones the Mets lost. After blowing leads in three games, including the first one.

That’s the game when Josh Davis tweeted that he was getting the tattoo.

“Bout to make a bit of a risky move with my New York Mets,” he tweeted October 27. “Watching the first pitch while getting a met tattoo.”

A friend tweeted a photo of the tattoo with the question “Too soon?” and the hashtag #confidentmetsfan.

Davis posted again Sunday night, before the pivotal fifth game in the series: “Still have faith for the mets tonight lets gooo.”

But it wasn’t to be. The Kansas City Royals went on to win after coming from behind, again, in the ninth inning.

Davis hasn’t tweeted since, poor guy.

At least he’s in good company. Among many, many similar stories is the Seattle Seahawks fan who got “back-to-back” championship ink before last year’s NFL Super Bowl, only to watch his team lose.

He kept the tattoo, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported in February.

“I don’t regret getting it. It’s been a fun ride. I like to take risks,” the newspaper quoted the man as saying.

There’s Lonynell Coleman, known on Twitter as “Lil Geeky,” who had “2015 NBA Champs” tattooed on his leg along with the Cleveland Cavaliers logo.

After the Cavs lost to the Golden State Warriors, he tweeted that he was happy with the tattoo.

“I’m not changing nothing on this tattoo,” he tweeted. “This year was a great one and this is always gonna be a memory.”

And finally (for our purposes at least), there’s baseball fan Pete Johnson, who had “Nationals World Series Champs 2015” tattooed on his foot — in March, before the season even began — but doesn’t regret a thing, according to the Washington Post.

“It’s not like I got the Lombardi trophy on my abdomen,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. “Even if they don’t win it this year, I think every time I look down at it I’m going to smile, just thinking about the experience.”

He posted on his blog in September, after the Nats were eliminated from playoff contention, explaining “How it Feels to Get a Sports Prediction Tattoo That Doesn’t Come True.”

“It feels fine,” he wrote. “I mean, I didn’t get this tattoo because I thought it would be a particularly good idea. I got it because laughing at my own dumb whims is a big part of my life.

“It is also a handy reminder,” he wrote, “that caring too much about things like sporting events or how people will judge you for doing things that make you happy is dumb.”

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