U.N. leader to visit Israel, Palestinian territories amid tensions

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will try to stem weeks of persistent, deadly violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories by visiting both on Tuesday.

He has stature as the top official in the U.N., but that hardly guarantees he’ll be able to soothe tensions that have been simmering not just for weeks, but for decades.

On Monday, the secretary-general pleaded with Israelis and Palestinians to pull back from confrontation and not give in to extremism.

“Let me be clear: violence will only undermine the legitimate Palestinian aspirations for statehood and the longing of Israelis for security,” Ban said in a video message.

His words come after a series of knife, gun and other attacks by Palestinians that have killed at least eight Israelis and wounded 75 others since mid-September despite government efforts to step up security. Dozens of Palestinians have died in clashes in the same period.

Hamas leader arrested

The highest profile arrest so far in this recent spate of violence is Hassan Yousef, a leader of Hamas.

The Israel Defense Forces arrested Yousef on Tuesday.

The IDF did not link Yousef directly to any of the recent attacks against Israelis, but accused him of “actively instigating terrorism and publicly encouraging and praising the execution of attacks against Israelis.”

“When you encourage, promote and praise the death of the innocent the IDF will act swiftly in order to contain the hateful incitement that jeopardizes the safety and well-being of so many Israelis and Palestinians alike,” IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said in a statement.

Tensions over holy site

Palestinian anger has been fueled in part by tensions over a Jerusalem holy site that is revered by both sides.

In recent years, hardline Jewish activists have increasingly demanded greater access to the site — known as the Temple Mount by Jews and the Noble Sanctuary by Muslims.

Jews are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, where the al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock are situated, but right-wing Israeli politicians have called for that to change.

That has set off widespread concern among Palestinians that the status quo is being undermined and that division of the site is coming — a claim the Israeli government has repeatedly denied.

The upsurge in violent attacks and clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters around the area has prompted Israel to repeatedly restrict Palestinians’ access to the holy site.

Since the start of October, 45 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. About 1,850 others have been wounded by live ammunition, rubber bullets and beatings, it said.

Israelis have been on edge as well.

On Tuesday, an Israeli man’s vehicle was hit by rocks as he drove out of Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, Israeli EMS spokesman Zaki Heller told CNN. The driver stopped and got out, at which point he was killed when a truck with a West Bank license plate drove over him, Heller said.

Deepening anger and mistrust

The spiral of violence appears to be deepening the hostility and mistrust between the sides.

Many of the attacks on Israelis are believed to have been carried out by individual Palestinian youths unaffiliated with established militant groups. The attackers may have been motivated by what they saw on Facebook and Twitter, where photos and video of attacks are posted.

In his video message, Ban told young Palestinians that he understood their frustration.

“I know your hopes for peace have been dashed countless times. You are angry at the continued occupation and expansion of settlements,” he said. “Many of you are disappointed in your leaders and in us, the international community, because of our inability to end this occupation.”

But Ban urged them to “put down the weapons of despair “and push for a political solution.

To Israeli people and leaders, the secretary-general said he appreciated their concern about security and their anger over the attacks.

“But walls, checkpoints, harsh responses by the security forces and house demolitions cannot sustain the peace and safety that you need and must have,” he warned.

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