Syrian civil war morphs into proxy war between U.S., Russia

The Syrian civil war is now a proxy war between Russia and the United States, with each side fueling the conflict with more firepower.

In the latest maneuver, the U.S. sent 50 tons of ammunition to rebels trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad and four decades of his family’s rule.

That came after Russia went to the aid of Assad, saying it’s targeting ISIS but launching airstrikes on rebel-controlled areas.

There’s a lot at stake in Syria. More civilians getting killed every day. Millions of refugees fleeing to other countries. And the threat of ISIS setting up even more terror hotbeds in the volatile country.

Here’s what the situation looks like now:

U.S. gives rebels tons of ammo

This week, U.S. military cargo planes gave 50 tons of ammunition to rebel groups in northern Syria, using an air drop of 112 pallets.

C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the U.S., known as the Syrian Arab Coalition.

All pallets successfully were recovered by friendly forces, a U.S. official said.

Attack near Russian embassy in Syria

Two mortar rounds hit near the Russian embassy in Syria’s capital during a pro-Russian rally Tuesday, the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik International reported.

It was not immediately clear if there were any injuries.

The Syrian state-run news agency SANA said Tuesday’s rally outside the embassy was a show of support by Syrian citizens “expressing their thanks for Russia’s seriousness in fighting terrorism.”

U.S. attempt to train rebels falters

The United States launched a $500 million program to train an equip Syrian rebels — but doesn’t have much to show for it.

“That was a complete and total failure for a plethora of reasons,” said CNN senior international correspondent Arwa Damon, who has reported several times from Syria.

“The U.S. was effectively dictating to these fighters, telling them they only wanted them to focus on the fight against ISIS. Whereas you speak to any Syrian, and they will tell you that they want to get rid of ISIS, yes, but they also want to be able to focus on the Syrian regime.”

This summer, Defense Secretary Ash Carter admitted the U.S. had only trained about 60 rebel fighters.

The low numbers are blamed on a strict vetting process that includes ensuring the fighters are committed to combat ISIS, as opposed to the Assad regime, and passing a counter-intelligence screening.

The Defense Department announced Friday it will suspend the rebel training program.

Russia tries to bolster Assad with airstrikes

Russia surprised the world two weeks ago when it launched its first airstrikes in Syria. Russian officials said they were coordinating with Assad and targeting ISIS and other terrorists.

“Our task is to stabilize the legitimate government and to create conditions for a political compromise … by military means, of course,” President Vladimir Putin told the state-run Russia 24 TV.

But after more than 100 airstrikes later, analysts have said Russia’s focus clearly isn’t on ISIS targets, but rather Syrian rebels seeking Assad’s ouster.

EU: Russian airstrikes must end

The European Union Foreign Affairs Council isn’t buying Russia’s claims that ISIS is its primary target in Syria.

“The recent Russian military attacks that go beyond Dae’sh and other UN-designated terrorist groups, as well as on the moderate opposition, are of deep concern, and must cease immediately,” the group said, referring to another name for ISIS.

“The EU condemns the excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks that the Syrian regime continues to commit against its own people. The Assad regime bears the greatest responsibility for the 250.000 deaths of the conflict and the millions of displaced people.”

Opposition: Syrian regime warns residents of ‘crushing blows’

Assad’s regime has been dropping leaflets from helicopters in Idlib province, telling residents to go to government checkpoints unarmed as their neighborhoods will be pummeled, an opposition group said.

“It is allowed for the holder of this card to cross the Army’s checkpoints safely, the Syrian Army is going to offer the food and medical assistance for the holders of this card, cooperate with the Syrian Army, leave the areas that witness clashes for your safety,” the fliers said, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The leaflets also included warnings from the regime forces that they are going to shell the area, and that the fighters and people must leave the area report to regime forces.

“Crushing blows are going to be carried out against this region,” one flier states.

“When you get close to the Syrian Army’s checkpoints, be sure that you do not carry any kind of weapons, carry your personal identities and your necessary needs with you. … When you approach to the army’s checkpoint walk in the open road and lift up this card or a white cloth.”

Proxy war intensifies

Russia has several reasons for staying allies with Syria. Its only reliable naval port on the Mediterranean is there. The Syrian regime has purchased billions of dollars worth of Russian weapons.

Russia also doesn’t believe revolutions, wars and regime change bring stability and democracy. It often points to some Arab Spring countries and the U.S.-led war in Iraq as evidence.

The U.S., on the other hand, has been accused of doing too little in the first years of the civil war and is now scrambling to help rebels as they face another enemy: ISIS.

“What we have playing out in Syria is a proxy war on so many different multiple levels,” Damon said.

Brad Stapleton, a visiting research fellow at the Cato Institute, said more carnage will likely ensue.

“The reality is that even with the benefit of American arms, rebel forces are unlikely to be able to overcome Russian-backed regime forces,” he wrote in a piece for CNN.

“As during the Cold War, U.S. and Russian arms supplies will simply fan the flames of conflict and beget more death and destruction.”

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