Israeli-Palestinian violence explodes with 4 more attacks

Israeli-Palestinian tensions escalated as four violent attacks reverberated across the nation Tuesday morning.

The weapons of choice were knives, guns and cars.

Much of the violence bubbled up around Jerusalem, the scene of ongoing tension over a disputed holy site in the Old City.

Tuesday’s violence included a stabbing and a shooting on a bus in the Armon Anatziv area of Jerusalem, police said.

Four people were wounded as a pair of attackers lashed out with a gun and a knife, wounding four people.

Police said the attackers were “neutralized,” a term they use to indicate a threat was contained.

In the city’s ultra Orthodox Malkei Israel area, a man drove into a bus stop, running over 3 people. He then got out of the car with a knife and stabbed three people.

No other details were immediately available.

Another incident took place near Tel Aviv.

The attacker, a 22-year-old resident from east Jerusalem, stabbed a man waiting there, police said. Others at the stop held the person with the knife until authorities arrived.

The victim was lightly wounded, according to police. The attacker was also injured.

A fourth incident — also a stabbing — took place nearby in Ranana, authorities said.

Police said they’ve apprehended a suspect, but there were no other details.

A third intifada?

Since the beginning of this month, the region has been wracked by violence, resulting in both Palestinian and Israel deaths.

Some have suggested the violence represents the start of the third intifada, or uprising, by Palestinians. But others have dismissed that label, saying the unrest is simply the consequence of the absence of any move toward peace.

“We’ve tried negotiations and it didn’t work. So now we will fight,” one Palestinian youth in the West Bank city of Hebron told CNN as thick smoke rose from flaming tires.

Amid the continuing attacks, about 1,600 reserve border police officers have been mobilized in Jerusalem and throughout Israel, the Prime Minister’s office said over the weekend.

The additional force will continue as necessary as “a primary preventive and deterrent measure,” the statement said.

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