Oregon shooting reverberates through Washington, 2016 trail

News of Thursday’s deadly shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, quickly reverberated through Washington and on the 2016 campaign trail.

At least 10 people were killed and more than 20 others were injured in the shooting, according to preliminary information from the Oregon State Police. Authorities said the shooter, a 20-year-old man, was dead, and investigators are examining social media postings they believe were made by him as they try to determine a motive.

President Barack Obama is expected to address the shooting, speaking from the White House briefing room at 6:20 p.m. ET, according to the administration.

Oregon Sen. Wyden was visibly shaken as he rushed back to his office at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, declining to take questions from reporters. The state’s junior senator, Jeff Merkley, tweeted that he was praying for the victims and their families.

“I am absolutely heartbroken by today’s news,” Merkley later said in a statement. “I have been in touch with local officials to express my deepest condolences and offer my assistance in any way possible and I will continue to monitor this tragedy and its response. The hearts and thoughts of all Oregonians are with the victims, their families and the entire UCC and Roseburg communities.”

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown tweeted that she was thinking about the victims.

The governor said at a news conference that law enforcement is still uncovering facts.

“We know now that there were casualties and confirmed injuries. Our top priority now is the medical treatment for victims and the security of the campus,” he said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. We are holding the community of Douglas County in our hearts today.”

Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio said in a statement that he hopes to work with other lawmakers to prevent similar incidents.

“Today’s shooting in Roseburg is a heartbreaking tragedy, and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Roseburg’s first responders for their work in responding to the event,” he said. “Once we know more about what happened today, I plan to work with my colleagues in Congress to find ways to prevent tragedies such as these.”

Oregon Rep. Greg Walden called the killings “heartbreaking.”

“Today’s news out of Roseburg is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this terrible tragedy, their families, and the entire community,” he said. “Oregon and the entire nation mourn this senseless loss.”

2016 hopefuls express their condolences

Presidential candidates also commented on the tragedy, with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton calling for “sensible gun control measures” during a campaign stop in Boston.

“It is just beyond my comprehension that we are seeing these mass murders happen again and again and again,” Clinton said. “And as I have said, we have got to get the political will to do everything we can to keep people safe. You know, I know there is a way to have sensible gun control measures that help prevent violence, prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands and save lives. And I am committed to doing everything I can to achieve that.”

But Ben Carson told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that more gun control is not the answer.

“Obviously, that’s not the issue,” he said. “The issue is the mentality of these people and we need to be looking at the mentality of the individuals and seeing if there are any early warning clues that we can gather that will help us as a society to be able to identify these people ahead of time.”

Jeb Bush also expressed his condolences on Twitter, calling the shooting a “senseless tragedy.”

Martin O’Malley tweeted about the victims’ loss.

And Lindsey Graham said he was praying for the victims.

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