Donald Trump and Roger Ailes to meet to hash out differences

Are Fox News and Donald Trump about to broker a new truce in their ongoing feud?

A network spokesperson said Thursday that Trump and Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes “spoke this morning and plan to have a meeting next week to discuss their differences of opinion regarding Fox’s coverage of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.”

“Ailes will be joined by senior Fox editorial executives,” the network said in a statement.

“Mr. Trump believes he has been treated unfairly in certain instances. Fox News has held every candidate in this race to the highest journalistic standards throughout our coverage. We believe a candid meeting about our differences is required and that any misunderstandings can be handled without compromising those standards.”

A cold war between Trump and Fox heated up earlier this week, with Trump assailing on Twitter what he hears on shows like “The Kelly File” and “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Fox said Wednesday that it canceled Trump’s Thursday appearance on the “Factor,” which led Trump to claim that he had decided to boycott the channel altogether.

“Fox News has not treated me fairly,” Trump reiterated on Thursday morning in an interview with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota.

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