Report: Hamas says Israelis used dolphin as spy

Hamas believes it has captured Israel’s most sophisticated new surveillance technology — a dolphin spy. That’s according to an article in the Palestinian daily al-Quds published Wednesday.

“Israel did not just stop at the bloody attacks against the Gaza Strip,” the Arabic-language article reads, “Now it has recruited a watery pet, the dolphin, known for his friendship with humans, to use for operations to kill Qassam Brigade Naval Commandos.”

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, which controls Gaza, refused to comment on the story to CNN on Thursday.

The article claims Qassam operatives on a training exercise along the beach confiscated camera equipment and spying devices mounted on the back of the dolphin.

“The Israeli security apparatus took advantage of dolphins’ love for humans, and how the animals like to play with people on the water, or in the depths of the sea, to reach members of the Qassam’s marine unit,” the article read.

A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces contacted by CNN declined to comment on the report.

Marine warfare has been at the heart of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which Israel considers a terror group.

In last year’s war between Israel and Hamas, commandos managed to reach Zikim beach just north of Gaza and fought Israeli troops in a gun battle. Five attackers — armed with Kalashnikovs and hand grenades — were killed, the IDF said at the time. One Israeli soldier was slightly wounded.

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