Israel strikes at Syrian targets in Golan Heights after rocket attacks

After two rockets landed in Israel and two hit in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, the military responded with airstrikes and artillery at Syrian targets, Israel said late Thursday.

The Israel Defense Forces targeted 14 Syrian military posts in an area in the Golan Heights under Syrian control, the military said in a written statement.

“Iran sponsored these attacks. These were clear and intentional acts of aggression, directly violating Israelis sovereignty,” the statement said. “The IDF holds the Syrian government responsible for all attacks emanating from Syrian territory.”

Earlier Israel said no one was injured in the rocket attacks, which targeted northern Israel.

The Golan is regarded internationally as occupied territory despite Israeli annexation. But it is home to 41,000 residents, including Jews, Druze and Alawites. Israel seized the territory from Syria during the 1967 Israel-Arab war, and it was eventually annexed.

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