Letter to the Editor: Irvin Park Drainage Ditch Concerns

Curwensville Residents,

I personally am concerned about the Bio/Health Hazzards that may be present in the drainage water in the drainage ditch flowing through the park proper from High St to the railroad, underneath the railroad progressing through Irvin Park to the river.

Children play in it as water is an attraction to all ages. Exposures occur and those could lead to many diseases such as; Hepatitis A, Giardiasis, Legionellosis, E. coli, Cholera, Cryptosporidiosis, Campylobacteriosis, Amebiasis, Adenovirus, mosquito larva.

With proper protective measures such as piping of the drainage ditch we could eliminate the exposure risks involved. It’s something which all of us should be vigilant in addressing and protecting our general public due to innocent exposures.

With the many folks visiting and events taking place within the park we need to address these issues and make the necessary corrective actions.

My concerns are those council members who appear not to be concerned for the welfare and safety of our citizens.

Tommy Wingard, Curwensville Council Member

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