Jean-Claude Duvalier Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the life of the late Jean-Claude Duvalier, former president of Haiti.

Birth date: July 3, 1951

Death date: October 4, 2014

Birth place: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Father: Francois Duvalier, president of Haiti

Mother: Simone (Ovide) Duvalier, first lady of Haiti

Marriage: Michèle Bennett (May 27, 1980-June 19, 1990, divorced)

Children: Anya (1986) and Francois Nicolas (January 31, 1983)

Education: Attended law school at the University of Haiti

Other Facts:
At the time of his 1971 swearing-in as Haitian president, 19-year-old Duvalier was the youngest president in the world.

His father’s nickname while president of Haiti was Papa Doc. His was Baby Doc.

Duvalier was accused of embezzlement, corruption and crimes against humanity, including torture, kidnappings, and extrajudicial executions.

January 1971 – Haiti’s National Assembly approves a constitutional amendment which allows Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier to appoint someone under 40 years old as his successor.

April 21, 1971 – President Duvalier dies of heart disease and diabetes.

April 22, 1971 – Jean-Claude Duvalier is sworn in as president for life.

September 23, 1981 – On the 25th anniversary of the Duvalier family’s rule of Haiti, the president grants clemency to 22 political prisoners.

April 10 and May 15, 1983 – Haitian municipal elections are held for the first time since 1957. No candidate for office is opposed to the Duvalier administration.

July 22, 1985 – Haiti holds a referendum to confirm Duvalier’s mandate as president for life. It passes with 99.9% of the vote.

February 7, 1986 – After a popular uprising, Duvalier, his wife, two children and mother, flee Haiti on a US military airplane bound for France.

September 2007 – Haitian radio stations broadcast an apology from Duvalier: “If, during my presidential mandate, the government caused any physical, moral or economic wrongs to others, I solemnly take the historical responsibility…to request forgiveness from the people and ask for the impartial judgment of history.”

January 16 -18, 2011 – Duvalier unexpectedly returns to Haiti and is charged with corruption, abuse of power and embezzlement.

February 1, 2011 – The Swiss Restitution of Illicit Assets Act (RIAA) allows $6.2 million frozen in Duvalier’s Swiss bank account to be returned to the people of Haiti.

January 30, 2012 – A Haitian judge rules Duvalier cannot be tried on human rights violations committed during his 15 year presidency because the statute of limitations has run out on the alleged crimes that include torture, rape and murder.

February 2014 – Human rights charges against Duvalier are reinstated.

October 4, 2014 – Duvalier dies of a heart attack in Port-au-Prince.

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