Pope prays before shroud of Turin, meets sick and disabled

Pope Francis prayed Sunday before the shroud of Turin, a piece of cloth that some believe was used for the burial of Jesus Christ.

The shroud bears the image of a man who resembles paintings of Christ. It will be part of a busy morning for the pope as he makes a pastoral visit to the city of Turin, in northern Italy.

After praying before the shroud, and a celebration of the Eucharist, the pope will have lunch with prisoners at the Ferrante Aporti penitentiary, named after a 19th century Italian educator and theologian.

He will also meet sick and disabled people at a church, and young people at a local square, followed by a meal at the residence of the archbishop.

Scientists are divided over how the image became embedded in the shroud and whether it is really Christ’s death shroud.

The shroud of Turin was first heard of around the year 1360, according to the New Advent website. It says the authenticity of the shroud is “taken for granted” by the Holy See.

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