LTE: Protect Drinking Water, Chest Creek

Chest Creek is a cold-water fishery with good quality water that offers fishing enthusiasts diversity and challenge to catch the variety of trout available.

Chest Creek is also a great spot for canoers and kayakers, with some areas of intense current and some calmer spots to slow down and enjoy the surroundings.

With its many charming features, Chest Creek is a splendid waterway in Clearfield County.

For years, 59 percent of the state’s streams have lacked guaranteed protection under the nation’s Clean Water Act, allowing developers to pave over them, or industrial polluters to dump in them without even obtaining a permit.

The Clean Water Rule changes that, protecting the waters that feed drinking water sources for more than 8 million Pennsylvanians. It’s the biggest victory for clean water in more than a decade.

Unfortunately, major polluters, including the oil and gas industry and developers, are pushing the U.S Senate to block it.

We need Senator Casey to continue standing up to polluters and support this effort to protect our drinking water and Chest Creek for our families today and generations to come.

Lucia Herrmann

PennEnvironment Clean Water Coordinator

1831 Murray Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217


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