Yemeni civilians killed in Saudi airstrikes, officials say

A series of Saudi airstrikes hit a hospital and medical camp in southwestern Yemen on Friday, killing at least 58 civilians and injuring at least 67, two local Yemeni government officials said.

Most of the dead and injured were medics and patients, they said.

Raheda Hospital is one of the largest and busiest in the area. The medical camp is part of the hospital.

Both are in Saqee Dam, a small town outside the city of Taiz in Taiz Province. Houthis have been clashing in Taiz for more than a month with forces loyal to President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.

Three local Yemeni government officials said the hospital was not being used by Houthi rebels and that none of the dead was a rebel fighter.

Houthi rebels seized the Taiz international airport last month, days before Saudi Arabia and its allies began airstrikes against rebel positions across the country.

The Saudis say they want to restore the Yemeni government, which the Houthis overthrew earlier this year.

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