Baghdad-area bombings kill 15, wound nearly 90 others in Iraq

A string of bombings in and around Baghdad over 24 hours has killed 15 people and wounded 88 others, authorities said.

The six attacks took place on Monday and Tuesday:

— A car bomb exploded in northern Baghdad’s al-Wazeriya neighborhood late Tuesday, killing one person and wounding nine others.

— A car bomb exploded in eastern Baghdad’s al-Mashtal district on Tuesday. Three people died and 11 were hurt.

— A roadside bomb and a parked car exploded on Tuesday at a taxi stand in al-Madain, about 12 miles south (20 kilometers) south of Baghdad, killing four and wounding 12.

— A car bomb exploded in the Yarmouk Hospital parking lot on Tuesday. The attack killed three and wounded 10.

— A car bomb exploded on Tuesday at an auto repair shop in Mahmudiyah, about 10 miles (17 kilometers) south of the capital. Two died and eight were injured there.

— A suicide bomber in car detonated near restaurants in southwest Baghdad’s Bayaa district late Monday. The attack killed two people and wounded 38.

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