Kenyan official to U.N.: Relocate world’s largest refugee camp or we’ll do it

Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto on Saturday gave the United Nations’ refugee agency three months to relocate refugees from the Dadaab camp — the world’s largest — to Somalia, or “we shall relocate them ourselves.”

The Dadaab refugee camp is home to more than 600,000 Somalis who have fled the violence in their native country carried out by Al-Shabaab, an Islamist extremist group.

But Al-Shabaab hasn’t confined its terror to Somalia, the most recent example coming in the horrific attack on Garissa University College in eastern Kenya. The Kenyan government says that bloodshed was masterminded by senior Al-Shabaab leader Mohamed Mohamud, whose “extensive terrorist network within Kenya” extends into Dadaab, according to a Kenyan ministry document given to CNN.

Reached on Saturday, a UN High Commissioner for Refugees officer told CNN that the agency had not received any communication or formal request from Kenya’s government about moving Dadaab.

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