Egypt court sentences Muslim Brotherhood leader to death

An Egyptian court sentenced of the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Badie, and 13 more members of the group to death, state-run Nile TV reported Saturday.

The sentences may be appealed.

The criminal court sentenced the 15 defendants to death by hanging and 34 other defendants to life in prison for charges of plotting terrorist attacks against state facilities, Nile TV reported on its website.

They were all supporters of former President Mohamed Morsy, the country’s first democratically elected President, who was overthrown in a military coup in 2013 that bitterly split Egyptians.

During the unrest, violence took the lives of hundreds of people on both sides. Pro-Morsy supporters attacked police stations, and security forces opened fired on demonstrators.

Badie was sentenced to death before on a conviction in the deadly attack on a police station. He has also been sentenced to life in prison for incitement of violence during 2013’s unrest.

Egyptian news outlet Al Ahram reported that Badie has been sentenced twice before to death, but an appeals court overturned one verdict, and Egypt’s Grand Mufti disapproved of the other.

After the coup, the new government outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. Morsy was arrested and also faces trial.

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