Dolce & Gabbana: We don’t judge on IVF

Italian fashion designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce told CNN they respect how all people live after the uproar over their comments about children born through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In an exclusive interview on Wednesday, Dolce said his views on IVF were private, personal beliefs based on his sense of a traditional family.

“I believe in the traditional family,” he said. “It is impossible to change my culture for something different. It’s me.”

“If I change my type, I change myself. I’m honest. I respect all the world, all the culture. And we talked before about the culture, we want to respect the country in the clothes, in the life, in everything.”

Meanwhile, his fashion partner Gabbana said he believes in IVF.

Dolce said he did not judge people who chose the procedure, although he made controversial statements to the Italian magazine, Panorama, referring to IVF babies as “chemistry children and synthetic children.”

He described the process as: “Wombs for rent, sperm selected from a catalog… Who would agree to be the daughter of chemistry? Procreation must be an act of love, now not even psychiatrists are prepared to deal with the effects of these experiments.”

His comments drew fierce denunciation from singer/songwriter Elton John, who called for boycott of the fashion brand.

“How dare you refer to my beautiful children as ‘synthetic,'” he posted on his Instagram on Sunday. John has two children with husband David Furnish through IVF.

“Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana.”

Dolce told CNN he was not boycotting the artist and added: “I love the music of Elton John.”

The designers said they respect how people choose to live their lives, but that others should also respect differences in opinion.

The IVF comments from Dolce and Gabbana struck some as hypocritical coming from a couple that was romantically involved until 2005. They continued working together as business partners after the breakup of their relationship.

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