Big Love: Heart Spotted Giraffe Turning Necks at Fort Worth Zoo

By Tony Lewis

Fort Worth, TX (KDAF) — Some say that love is animal instinct. So, what better place to find it than at the zoo, right?

Well, at the Fort Worth Zoo, one new addition is showing that a little love goes a long way, about 5 feet, 7 inches long to be exact. That’s the height of the new giraffe who was born there last month.

She’s wasting no time showing her bad side because she’s already got a heart placed on her neck.

Alright, so she’s not quite inked out, but Fort Worth Zoo’s Public Relations Manager Avery Elander says the giraffe’s been getting a lot of attention lately because she was born with a heart-shaped spot.

“Everyone enjoys it and we’ve had a great reaction from people coming out and visiting and spotting her, looking for her around the yard because she’s so small compared to the other one,” Elander said. “So it’s been really fun.”

Our heart spotted giraffe takes the torch from a long list of animals who`ve been born with the symbol of love. Maybe the heart-shaped spot will be the inspiration for the name of the new giraffe. The zoo has yet to reveal it.

So, while some choose to wear their heart on their sleeve, our resident Valentine’s Day giraffe is content with wearing hers on her neck.

And with female giraffes usually peaking at around 16 feet, when she’s older, love is guaranteed to be in the air.

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