Corbett Rallies with Supporters in Clearfield

CLEARFIELD – Gov. Tom Corbett rallied his supporters Thursday at the Grice Clearfield Community Museum and challenged them to gather more for him before Election Day on Nov. 4.

Corbett asked his supporters to reach out to other voters – Democrats and independents – to help him get re-elected as governor.

“I’ve been traveling the state to get my message out, but I also need your help to get voters to the polls,” he said. “…With your help, we can win.”

During his message, Corbett addressed state issues that he’s been criticized for not getting done yet. He assured supporters that if-re-elected, he will resolve the state’s pension crisis.

He said that the state’s pension costs will inject $3.3 billion into the budget in a matter of years. “It’s without a doubt a crisis, and it’s not the employees’ fault,” he said.

“The blame falls back on past legislatures and governors, but we can’t deal with fault. We have to deal with results. We have to fix it.”

Corbett promised that if re-elected, he will call a special session for pension reform.

Also, if re-elected, Corbett said he will re-introduce a bill to give Pennsylvanians the choice and convenience with purchasing wine, liquor and beer.

According to him, the bill got out of the House and over to the Senate. It made it onto the Senate floor but lacked votes.

“If you don’t get it done, you come back next year,” he said. “…One thing I’ve learned about Harrisburg is that change is very slow.”

Corbett also focused on the change he’s stimulated in Pennsylvania over the past four years. Four years ago, he said Pennsylvania had a $4.2 billion budget deficit and hadn’t passed the budget on time in eight years.

“But we’ve changed that,” he said.

Corbett added that four years ago, Pennsylvania had an 8.2 percent unemployment rate. The state’s unemployment rate, he said, currently stands at 5.7 percent.

He noted that C. Alan Walker, state secretary for the Department of Community and Economic Development, has been a cheerleader for Clearfield County and Pennsylvania.

Walker, he said, continues to demonstrate to businesses – domestic and international – why they should relocate here. In 2013, he said Pennsylvania was the No. 1 location in the northeast and No. 4 in the United States for businesses to expand or create corporate headquarters.

Pennsylvania, Corbett said, will have a bright future with economic growth if he’s re-elected due to low taxes, controlled spending and an all-encompassing energy portfolio, which he specifically noted will include coal. He said, “My opponent wants to spend more money and tax you more.

“…He wants to be the third-term of Ed Rendell and of President Barack Obama but here in Pennsylvania.”

State Reps. Tommy Sankey and Matt Gabler also attended the rally and asked supporters to turn out at the polls. “We have a simple decision to make on Tuesday,” said Sankey.

“Are we going to continue to move Pennsylvania forward? Are we going to continue being a state that’s business-friendly, strong in the Second Amendment and pro-life? It will all go away if we don’t turn out.”

Gabler called Corbett a “true friend” to the sportsmen of Pennsylvania, adding he understands the heritage of this region. “He’s been fighting for us,” said Gabler. “Now, we have to fight for him.”

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