CLEARFIELD – Police Chief Mark Brooks reported to the Lawrence Township Supervisors last night that the department was selected by the Tom and Brenda Grice family for a donation.
Brooks said the Grice family asked that he refrain from announcing the amount. However, he said, it is a very generous donation and extends his personal thanks to the Grice family for their generosity.
Brooks said a portion of the donation will be used to allow the police department to be more proactive in drug awareness, with programs and personnel training. He said drug awareness is an area the department has wanted to give more attention to, especially since a big part of the local crime rate is related to drug abuse.
Brooks said the department is also applying for a federal grant available for local governments to implement local police programs. He said the Federal Justice Assistance Grant could be up to $10,000. If awarded, he said, the funds will also be used for drug awareness programs.
Brooks also reported that the entire force, including part-time officers, will undergo mandatory in-service training. He said this is the first year the department will have access to online training, which will be a cost-saving convenience for the department.
He said the in-class two-day training costs more than $60 per person, plus the cost of added scheduling while officers attend training. He said the online training is free, plus the officers can fit the training into their regular schedules, so that there aren’t any added personnel costs. He said he has attended the training for 24 years, and this year will be his first experience with online training.
Secretary Barbara Schaffner reported the township had a letter from Clearfield Municipal Authority requesting a meeting with the supervisors regarding the Hyde sewage issues. Dates were selected for possible meeting times this week and next.
Sewer exonerations were granted to Don Zimmerman and Angela Owens of Montgomery Run Road.
Supervisor William Lawhead presented a list of roads that he reviewed with PennDOT for 2014 roadwork. He said in order to keep it under budget, Industrial Park Road and Elizabeth Street were removed from the list. He said Elizabeth Street requires other work before paving.
The supervisors will review the list for approval at their next meeting, so jobs can go to bid in February. Lawhead said Mill Road will be a big project. Other roads on the list include Old Penfield Road and Grice Road/Bloomington Highway.
Lawhead said 21st Street from the end of the pavement to the turn-around is slotted for tar and chip treatment. Supervisor Ed Brown asked about paving 21st Street at least past the new SPCA facility. Lawhead said that may be an option.
He said this list is the first round of roadwork for bid. He noted that last year they had money left over from the first list of road repairs to open a second round of roads for repair work. He said he hopes the bids will come in low enough that the township will have that option again this year.
The supervisors adjourned to an executive session to discuss police contract issues and a non-disciplinary personnel item regarding a police department employee, without readjournment.