In Lawrence Township . . . Johnston Congratulates Replacement

Glenn Johnston (Provided photo)

CLEARFIELD – Lawrence Township Supervisors Ed Brown and William Lawhead presented a Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing supervisor Glenn Johnston for his four years of service to the elected position.

At his last meeting for his completed term, Johnston offered congratulations to incoming supervisor Daniel G. Mitchell Sr. (D). Mitchell was elected in November by a 3.5 percent margin.

Johnston extended his thanks to the staff, the professionals who serve the township and the board of supervisors. He particularly wanted to thank Police Chief Mark Brooks for “doing a phenomenal job” in his work with the township’s police department.

Johnston thanked Brown and Lawhead, who he said “acted professionally and with courtesy” in their support and guidance. Finally, he thanked the community for the opportunity to serve in this township supervisor position.

The supervisors discussed an ordinance draft presented by solicitor James Naddeo to require township fire department volunteers to have approval of the supervisors for their involvement in any functions that are not in the capacity of fire or emergency duties.

Naddeo explained the ordinance would be an effort to avoid worker’s compensation liabilities for incidents not sanctioned by the board of supervisors. He clarified that the fire departments have their own general liability insurance, but worker’s compensation coverage is provided by the township.

Johnston said the township needs to protect itself from “opportunists.” He said a higher claims record increases insurance rates, and the township has a high claims record.

Township resident and volunteer firefighter Randy Powell offered insight on the subject. He said previously the fire department required workers to sign in and out for any jobs they did at the fire house, whether it was emergency service, fundraising functions or other events. He said the fire departments have a set schedule of events for the year that can be presented for approval to the supervisors annually, with submission of updates as events come up through the year.

The supervisors agreed to postpone action on the subject until after the New Year when new fire department officers are in place, with plans to work with the companies for an agreeable solution.

Secretary Barbara Schaffner reported receiving a letter from Sam Yost to resign from his position on the township’s Planning Commission at the end of his term. The supervisors approved to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Yost for his many years of service on the commission.

In other business, supervisors approved:

The supervisors adjourned to executive session to discuss an issue regarding the police contract, with no plans to take action.

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