Spring Cleaning

As spring arrives, you might be thinking a lot about de-cluttering different areas of the home.

One of the most used rooms in the house is the kitchen, which means it can also be the most cluttered.

But de-cluttering isn’t only a benefit to the eyes. It can also do a lot for your health. Here are three ways you can de-clutter your kitchen.


1. Remove all non-kitchen items

Maybe someone has made the kitchen table their home office or study space. Maybe your toddlers have dragged all of their toys onto the kitchen floor.

Whatever the items are, if they don’t belong in the kitchen, remove them. This also goes for items in drawers and cupboards. Most people barely have enough space in the kitchen as it is, so it’s important that none of it goes to waste with other items.


Photo: elenathewise / yaymicro.com

2. Organize the drawers and cupboards

Now is the perfect time to rearrange items in these spaces if you wish to. Otherwise you can just straighten them up and get rid of any items you no longer use.

If you have a junk drawer, go through it and toss anything that is truly garbage and will never be used. You can have an organized junk drawer by using dividers and little containers to hold things such as rubber bands and pieces of string.

If you have many take-out menus stuck to the fridge and tossed into drawers, place them all in one area such as a basket on top of the fridge. This way you know where they are, but they aren’t always in sight and tempting you and your family.


3. Clean out the fridge and freezer

This probably seems like a scary task, which is all the more reason to do it now. Check all expiration dates and toss anything that is too old to be eaten. Also toss anything that you don’t recognize. Chances are you won’t eat it any way, so why take up space and containers by leaving it in the freezer?

Now is a good time to create a new labeling system for items that you put in the fridge and freezer. Labels should include what the item is and when it was stored.

If you are making a plan to eat healthier, now may also be a good time to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and replace them with healthy snacks.

Spring cleaning the kitchen can be a great way to start the season off right.

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