Interpretive Program Schedule at Parker Dam State Park- May 19-20, 2012:
Saturday, May 19
Wild Edibles Talk and Walk: 2:00 p.m.- Environmental Education Classroom
A “Get Outdoors PA” Program
How much do you know about the seasonal buffet that surrounds you each time you stroll outside? Many of our native plants can be used for sustenance. You’ll learn about several of them, including how to identify and use them properly.
Tales From the Hive: 8:00 p.m.- Campground Amphitheater
Bees are amazing creatures, quite possibly working harder than most others. Watch as the secret world of a bee colony is unveiled and we can see how life as a bee unfolds. Discover new-found facts about the strange and complex life of bees.
Sunday, May 20
Two-Wheel Park Tour: 10:00 a.m.- outside Park Office
A “Get Outdoors PA” Program
There’s a lot that goes on at Parker Dam State Park throughout the year. Bring along your bike (kids under 12 must wear a helmet– everyone else should wear a helmet) as we will travel to the north end of the park, stopping along the way back to the Park Office to learn more about the park and what’s here to enjoy. You may be surprised at some of the fun activities you’ve been missing.
*You can keep up on what’s happening at the park by following “Parker Dam State Park” on Facebook; and, you can find more information about state park programs and special events by logging on to the Bureau of State Parks website at , and clicking on “Events Calendar”.