Platt Road Residents Get Update on Mining Concerns

DUBOIS – Residents of Platt Road returned to the Sandy Township Supervisors’ meeting Monday night.  They had been told at the last meeting the Supervisors would investigate the issue of truck traffic on Platt Road related to Marcellus water pumping.

Citizens on Platt Road had asked the township supervisors if they could do something with truck traffic at the water pumping station along their road.  Platt Road is the boundary of an industrial zone and the residents live on the other side in a residential agriculture zone.

The supervisors stated that they had checked and were told the night time truck traffic would be reduced.  Due to scheduling, EOG Resources, who is leasing the property, were unable to not pump at night.  There would be trucks traveling the road at night.

It was also stated that EOG is going to move the operation back into the woods surrounding the site.  EOG is currently waiting for permit approval from the Department of Environmental Protection related to water and soil erosion.

The citizens stated that if the trucks were cut that the current amount is still too many.  It was said that only two days in the last three weeks were truck-free at night.

“I guess we can continue to research, but I don’t have a magic wand to make the noise go away,” said Brady LaBorde.  LaBorde was not present at the previous meeting.

The township supervisors had continued to state at Monday’s meeting they can’t regulate the time the pumping and truck traffic takes place.  Unlike the shale pit and salt pile, this is occurring in a properly zoned location.

“I agree with you one hundred percent, and I’m glad it is not by my house. . . We don’t know what we can legally do,” said Supervisor Dave Sylvis.

Solicitor Greg Kruk will look to see if there are other avenues to look at this beyond the zoning ordinances.


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