PSU DuBois Celebrates MLK Day

(Photo provided by Steve Harmic)

DUBOIS – Penn State DuBois students joined students from five other Penn State campuses in Western Pennsylvania on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to volunteer with community service efforts.  Each year, the community of one of the campuses is chosen for the MLK Day of service, and students volunteer in that community.  This year, the students volunteered with community organizations in New Kensington, home of Penn State New Kensington.  Campuses who had students involved in the MLK Day of Service were, DuBois, New Kensington, Greater Allegheny, Shenango, Fayette, and Beaver.  

This year, students volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and at day care centers in the New Kensington area.  They helped to construct shelving and performed stocking and cleaning duties at the Habitat for Humanity store, and cleaned toys and play areas at day cares, making the space safer for the children there.

Penn State DuBois student Hillary Yarger said, “It was great to see Penn State students from several campuses come together to make a difference. It truly shows what Penn State University stands for.”

Campus Student Life Assistant Tasha Gilkes and International Student Services Coordinator Tharren Thompson joined the students during the service day. 

“This was a really great day.  It was a great opportunity for the students to do something that matters,” Thompson said. “They could have stayed at home in bed; they could have taken an extra day for their own studies, but they didn’t.  They decided to go out and do some good in the world, and that is a great way to celebrate Dr. King’s legacy.” 


In front, left to right: Student Life Assistant Tasha Gilkes, Rebecca Horner, Joey Schaeffer, and Louise Whyte.

In back, left to right: Chris Albert, Patrick Watkavitch, Hillary Yarger, Morgan Lingle, Holly Kiesling, Alice Gyamfi, and International Student Services Coordinator Tharren Thompson.

Steve Harmic, Penn State Dubois

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