The Clearfield High School Competition Cheerleaders recently won the District IX title at a competition held at IUP and first place at the Pennsylvania Regional Cheerleading Competition held at Mifflin County High School. Individual honors went to Jessica Shomo for first place in the tumble-off competition and Lauren Lykens and Ausha Shaw placing second and third, respectively in the jump-off competition.
Front row — Mallory Bailey-Graham, Deziray Inguagiato, Ashlee Mayhew, Lauren Lykens,
Shaleigh McBride, Nikki Erskine, Kausha Schultz, Ausha Shaw
Back row — Natalie Lemmo, Carly Weed, Jessica Shomo, Taylor Reed, Emily Ammerman,
Haley Rougeux, Ashley Collins, Kaylee Peacock, Taylor Stott, Bekah Stiner, Kelcie Shultz
Missing from picture: Taylor Dudurich and Cheree McGonigal