LTE: You Can’t Have it Both Ways

The jobs bill President Obama is pushing is the same he ran on and passed two years ago. To date only 26 percent of the last jobs stimulus $$$$ bill has been used.  There is 74 percent more to go and not projected to be used up till 2020. In the jobs bill is the Social Security reduction which give you money each pay period on your check is in effect, hasn’t spurred the economy and will not lapse till Dec. 31 at which time Congress will extend it. As the president demanded that the people take to the streets in protest for not passing his jobs bill, we have the wall street protests so ordered by our president. Whom does the protest help, The Unions as they were earmarked to stop the slid in support for the president re-election which unions had threatened to not support him. Now comes the part which will save jobs, teachers, police and other union state and government workers, however it is proven that the teachers are not needed and some police were from the last stimulus. Do we need jobs that will be temporary or do we need permanent private sector jobs. Want a job, ask Congress to remove the 327 laws, regulations, fees that have been imposed on businesses, only then will the business environment become friendly spurring jobs.  Want taxes raised on your boss he will have no choice but to lay off workers. You can’t have it both ways, its either JOBS or TAXES ON YOUR BOSS.

Ed McGarvey


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