Americans should no thave to be paying for these high gas prices.
In the 1970s whent he Trans-Atlantic pipeline was being built and drilling in Alaska, the government shut down the Northern Slopes, capped the wells, sealed documents. Morris Udahl (D), sponsored D-2 Land Bill turning Northern Slopes intoa wilderness never to be opened again even if we went bankrupt. Excuse: save the polar bears. Americans were being decieved by lies and propoganda. The bears used the pipelines to keep warm.
Ken Fromme, an expert for Atlantic Richfield in developing oilfields, was interviewed by Lindsey Williams, a Baptists minister who served the workers in the 1970s, how much oil was in Alask and Northern Slopes. His reply, discoveries in Prudhoe Bay, Gull Islands and Kuparuh were some of the richet fields in the world.
If left opened, our debt would have been paid in five years and been energy independent, plus had gas for 200 years.
Obama still does NOT want to drill.
Pres. George W. Bush wanted to drill in Alaska but Democrats and environmentalists stopped him. This tells us they do not want people to have this oil but pay $4 or $5 a gallon for gas which Democrats have wanted the past few years.
Is this another government conspiracy to control the people and energy blaming it on the crisis in the Middle East and Lybia?
Is President Obama really serious about creating jobs and lowering debt? Reopening drilling would create thousands of jobs and revenue to government by private companies drilling.
Edith Barber