‘Books Sandwiched-In’ Program Begins March 16 at Shaw Public Library

The Clearfield Branch of the American Association of University Women invites all book lovers to the 2011 “Books Sandwiched-In” series of book reviews to be begin soon at the Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library on Front Street. Three reviews are scheduled for noon and include a light lunch. The fourth review will be an evening event with refreshments to follow.

On March 16, Deb Jones will review two books by the New York Times bestselling author, Kate Mosse.  Labyrinth is a thriller with two heroines born centuries apart, and Sepulchre is a novel about love and revenge.

Unthinkable, by Amanda Riley, will be reviewed by Carol Romanski on March 23. This book explains why some people survive when disaster strikes and others do not.

The third reviewer will present a trilogy by Suzanne Collins on March 30. Chrissy Boryenace will review Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mocking Jay, a suspenseful series of books about a young girl’s struggle to survive war and violence.

Judy Davis, a local writer, will review her book on April 6 at 7:00 p.m.  Red Fox Woman takes place in the Colorado Territory of 1868 and includes elements of intrigue, and romance.

A donation of $4.00 per person for lunch and $3.00 for evening refreshments will benefit the A.A.U.W. Interrupted Studies Scholarship Fund which helps adult learners return to school.

 Reservations should be made by the Monday before the date of the program by signing up at the library or by calling 765-3271.

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