Backers of gun control and their lobbyists, President Barrack Hussein Obama and the Environmental Pollution Control Administration are teaming up to end-run the ban on guns, only they plan to do so by removing ammo and making it so expensive most Americans cannot afford it.
Many Pennsylvanians rely upon cheaper lead ammo to hunt and use as sinkers in fishing to provide food for their families. Removing the lead from ammo and sinkers on false pretenses of contamination in which scientist reports show the natural occurrences of lead in the earth’s crust which the sports lead has no bearing on pollution, yet extremists in a certain political party can’t help themselves by pushing for the ban on ammo. The average cost of ammo now is $20 a box and regulations will put it upwards to forty. Cheap lead sinkers will require very large sizes in other metals to meet the heaviest lead used making the so called stealth sinker larger than the fish many catch. No longer will lead be available for scuba divers endangering their lives with larger bulky metals needed to descend into waters. I urge all to contact your Federal Representatives and demand that Congress put a stop to the out of control EPA and extremists environmentalists. Just one more reason that all in Washington need to be replaced. They are so out of touch with the wants and needs of Americans and yet for some reason we keep sending the same bozo’s to Washington. What will be next the EPA setting cap and trade laws raising the cost of everything we use in our daily lives by 500%, and yes they want to do that without Congress as well.
Take Back America in November. Vote out the bums.