LTE: Prayer for Military Chaplins

There is an anti-prayer movement occurring  in which military Cchaplins are being pressured not to pray for the servicemen and women in their care and are being pressured not to pray “in Jesus’ name” by the Americans United Military Religious Freedom Foundation and other anti-religious groups.  This could lead to banning or restricting prayer in public life and places. 

Our Constitution protects our right to religious freedom and faith.  Congressmen Walter Jones sponsered bill HR268 supporting chaplins’ right to pray according to their faith.  President Obama was called to issue an executive order locking in Chaplins’ right to pray as they see fit.  He promised to look into the issue, but as of yet, has done nothing.  Pressure by the people must be put on Congress and Obama to support this bill.

We know what happened to Reverend Franklin Graham when invited to the National Day of Prayer event. With much pressure from these groups, the Pentagon’s chaplin was forced to cancel Reverend Graham’s invitation.

How do these groups acqure so much power? Where do they get the right to tell others what they can  and cannot do?  They are trying to throw our Constitutional rights out the window.  Prayer should never be restricted from our military and leaders.  Contact your Congressman to support HR268. 

Edith M. Barber


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