Chiefs’ JCL Rainout at Brookville Rescheduled for Thursday

CLEARFIELD – A late afternoon shower washed out the Clearfield Chiefs’ Jefferson County Legion League baseball game at Brookville Tuesday.
Manager Sid Lansberry announced that the game has been moved to Thursday at 6 p.m. at McKinley Field.
The Chiefs originally were booked for a trip to DuBois Thursday, but that game was called off when the DuBois Area High School team advanced to the finals of the PIAA Districts 6-9-10 Sub-Regional against D-6 champion State College by defeating D-10 titlist Erie McDowell 5-4 last week.
Tentatively, Clearfield (2-0, 1-0 JCL) will make up the DuBois postponement Monday at Showers Field.
The Chiefs are slated to host State College Saturday in a 2 p.m. non-league game at the Lawrence Park Recreation Park diamond.
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