LTE: Suvey Questions….

I received the Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District’s Building Committee’s Survey on Saturday February 13th and it was to be returned by February 15, a Federal Holiday when the Post Office was CLOSED. Diagnostics Plus of State College was also on “vacation” that day as I tried to call them to see if I should drive over the mountain to give it to them. The survey I received from the diagnostics place did not say anything about the Philipsburg-Osceola on the outside and it looked like the usual JUNK MAIL. I have spoken to several people in town that thought it was JUNK MAIL and tossed their survey in the trash. Why did the envelopes not clearly say what this piece of mail about? Why was this company from “Out of Town” used? Why did you not go to a local firm and have them make it up or at least use Philipsburg-Osceola School District Stationery? If the district paid money for this company in State College to do this then why didn’t the District at least allow more time for this process to be completed? What was the rush? My survey and possibly others were not turned in because we didn’t get them in time or thought it was JUNK MAIL. So your results may not be an accurate picture of what the people in the district want.  Maybe it would be more fair to put this issue on the BALLOT for the primary or November elections.


Dennis Ellis-Wescoat


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