LTE: Endgame?

In response to Congressman Glenn Thompson’s LTE crticizing the manner in which President Obama specified a drawdown date in Afghanistan, I must take issue.

First however, Rep Thompson, please convey my gratitude and thanks along with best wishes for your son in regard to his service and sacrifice to our nation, it is greatly appreciated as was my fathers and his five brothers along with several of my cousins.

You state we are “revealing our cards” in regard to a pullout date which in reality is only a target date to let the Afghan Government know weare no intent on it becoming another Vietnam or South Korea. We are a compassionate and helpful nation, but we aren’t stupid. For a guy who has problems with health care reform and the cost involve d, your fiscal responsibility seems to go down the toilet in regard to writing a blank check for the Afghan people.

Sorry Glenn, but General David Petreaus himself stated this morning on Fox Sunday w / Chris Wallace that setting a date was NOT harmful to our mission and only is a goal which would be revisited as needed.

I have read your letters since you took office and you are being “true to your party” along with the health care industry in your criticism of our President, but for Gods sake, could you be a little less obvious in your dislike and disdain for anything President Obama proposes and actually read the whole speech?

Remember, we had two shots at nailing Bin Laden and the two Presidents past can take blame for neither stopping him from executing the 09.11 tragedy or capturing him when he was most vulnerable at Tora Bora.

Thank you,
Frederick G Sopic

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