LTE: Fire the Legislature

If you are interested in how our Legislature spends our tax money but also have a weak stomach, I suggest that you do not read the rest of this letter.

Characteristics of our the PA legislature are as follows:
Second largest in the US (253 members);
One of only 9 states with full time legislators;
Highest in member’s base pay + $158 per day for expenses;
1 of 2 states where Members are given free vehicles, and
Most, by far, in the number of permanent full time staff positions (2,918).

The above add up to, conservatively, a price tag of more than $250 Million, just to operate the Legislature. Instead of cutting into this unbelievable cost during the 101-day delay for passing a budget, they decided to cut, for examples, Library support (20 percent) and Public TV support (90 percent).

A Petition, to the PA Supreme Court, has been circulating which asks the Court to dissolve (fire) the Legislature and establish a new one of less than 71 members. Please go to ““, read the Petition, have you and your voting-age family members sign it (Name, E-mail Address). Then, spread the word to your friends and co-workers.

This is a “Big Win” situation for us and our descendants.

Mike Langan

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