Clearfield Borough Council Requests Dismissal of Charges in Discrimination Lawsuit

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council continues to wage legal battles on two fronts.

On Thursday both the lawsuits the borough is facing from Mayor Patty Gilliland and Police Officer Michael Titus were briefly touched on.

When asked by a member of the media about Titus’s age discrimination suit, Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott said the borough has responded to the lawsuit. She said that council has asked the Equal Opportunity Commission to dismiss the charges due to a lack of evidence regarding the allegations.

Regarding Gilliland, the borough finance committee approved a legal expenditure of $1,337.50 to Solicitor Kim Kesner. Of that, $850 is due to the ongoing litigation involving the mayor. The year-to-date total for the borough on that legal front is $5,712.50.

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