LTE: Keep Up the Recycling Effort

I was disturbed to discover that the Clearfield County Solid Waste Authority is considering suspending the recycling program that was very recently implemented in multiple sites throughout the county.

My understanding of the reasoning is because some of the containers are filling faster than other containers and they have to have special pick-ups for the full containers. This is costing money and they are “almost losing” money.

To me this is an indication of the huge success of the program. If the containers are filling faster than anticipated it is because the need is greater than anticipated. Many of us in Clearfield County have been waiting for a very long time for the CCSWA to step up and implement a recycling program for household waste. We want to be good stewards of the earth. But our hands are tied because we have not had anywhere to dispose of our recyclable materials. Now, we finally have places to take our newspaper, mixed paper, cardboard, aluminum, bi-metal,and glass and it may be taken away.

The CCSWA needs to make a bigger effort to find a way to make the recycling program work. The success of it shows the needs and desires of the county residents.

Julie Kennedy

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