LTE: County Commissioners Reaffirm Stance Against Tolling I-80

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission recently unveiled additional details of their plan to toll Interstate 80. In spite of the additional details revealed, the Clearfield County Commissioners will continue our strong opposition to any form of tolling I-80. This roadway is the one important asset that makes our economic development and tourism promotion efforts competitive with other areas of Pennsylvania and surrounding states. Allowing any form of tolling will hinder economic development for our county and will place an additional burden on Clearfield County residents as they travel to and from work.

We strongly dispute the advantages listed by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission as they continue to make their case for tolling I-80. They list as advantages completing the link to I-99 and stress that they will resurface and repair all bridges on I-80. As part of their elaborate shell game to convince the public that tolling I-80 is necessary, the Turnpike Commission and their paid consultants contend that sections of I-80 were never repaved. We question this statement and believe that I-80 has been properly maintained and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has sufficient funding to continue maintaining I-80 without imposing unnecessary tolls.

How many times do the citizens, businesses and government leaders on the I-80 corridor have to tell the Turnpike Commission NO? NO means NO – The ill conceived plan to toll I-80 places an unfair burden of fixing Pennsylvania’s roads and bridges along with funding poorly managed metropolitan transit systems squarely on the back of rural Pennsylvania’s citizens and businesses. It is unfair and devastating to our local transportation and warehousing industries

I-80 is our economic artery. The remainder of our road system is inadequate to support a modern logistical system. When Clearfield County citizens go somewhere they travel on I-80. Tolling I-80 is equivalent to taxing our driveways. Almost everything we consume or export travels on I-80. These products will need to reflect the cost.

We would encourage everyone to demand the repeal of Act 44 and continue to oppose any effort to toll I-80. If we lose this fight, it will have a negative impact on our communities for generations to come and we may never recover.

John Sobel
Joan Robinson McMillen
Mark B. McCracken
Clearfield County Commissioners

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