LTE: Where do we Want Our Country to Go?

Where do we want our country to go?

Where are we headed as a country, a state, or a county? When you watch the nightly news, or read the newspapers you undoubtedly will see many disturbing images or hear stories that portray the United States in a negative light. Why is this happening? When you listen to speeches from our respected politicians what do you hear?

I for one hear candidates from both parties singing the same tune, “The government will provide”. I cannot find anywhere in the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence that it is the responsibility of the government to provide any of the following: health care, retirement benefits, provide infrastructure, or nation build.

How many of you know that when the pilgrims first came to the New World that they originally adopted communal ownership of land and property, and as a result most of them starved to death or died of disease. This is a problem that the 20th century communists/socialists countries that collectivized their agricultural systems have also endured. In 1611, Sir Thomas Dale instituted the principal of private property. There was no more free riding, (entitlements). Each individual was responsible for their increase/decrease in production. Each individual directly benefitted from their own labor.

Most of us were taught that the transcontinental railroad would never have been built without government subsidies. The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific received per mile subsidies and land grants. The government subsidized railroads went bankrupt. The only transcontinental railroad to never go bankrupt was James J. Hill’s Great Northern Railroad, and it was built without any government aid.

There is also an argument to be made that presidents both Republican and Democrat have not exercised the same humility and wisdom that George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would have exercised. The United States cannot prevent other people from fighting. The arrogance of many of our politicians, although they may have good intentions, will inevitably backfire. The United States spends trillions of dollars on foreign aid while our own borders are wide open. The foreign policy of the 20th and 21st century is bankrupting us, for what good, $143.00 per barrel oil? The policy of overthrowing or destabilizing every regime our government dislikes is no strategy at all, unless our goal is international chaos and domestic impoverishment.

Social Security is or will be bankrupt because of wasteful spending. From 1789 to 1913 the federal government survived without the income tax. Private businesses must work within a budget. Why isn’t there the same expectation for our governments at all levels? In my humble opinion we need to go back, read, study, and govern as the United States Constitution is written.

My fellow citizens we need to stop walking around with our hand out expecting a free lunch!

William J. Hayward

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