LTE: PennDOT’s Fiscal Problems

In regard to Penn Dot’s financial troubles, if projects were prioritized roads and bridges could be repaired/replaced with present funding. Example, Pa 153 paving did not need done, this road is on a very good base, well drained and in very good condition. I was told it was in the budget a few years ago and the money was available this year. That was not a good reason to do it, as it had to be in better shape when it was budgeted. There are plenty of roads in poor condition that need repaired, example Henry’s road in Beccaria Twp. is in such poor condition PennDot posted “Rough Road” signs on it. The Irvona bridge does not need replaced, a good engineer should be able to repair that bridge cost effectively. These steel truss bridges out last concrete by 2:1. PennDot needs to use our funds responsibly and all our roads and bridges can be fixed with existing funds. We the highway users need to protest loudly.

Walter Lucas

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