LTE: Thanks to the CCCD

Recent issues about energy and global warming have brought to light many concerns about the environment and our Earth system. However, early environmental pioneers such as Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt, and W.G “Turk” Jones have long since appreciated and understood the importance of conservation and sustainability of our Earth’s beauty, precious resources and natural habitat. These pioneers are only a handful among hundreds that have established the imperative need for habitat protection during rapid human advancement.

The Clearfield County Conservation District (CCCD) is the result of such efforts to maintain clean water, air and soil so that the Earth can be preserved for future generations. CCCD does a marvelous job within our county to promote science and environmental education to people of all ages. In addition to the many activities they offer children from kindergarten through high school, they award internships and scholarships to college students to help them gain professional experience and relieve financial burdens.

As a previous intern for the CCCD and a recent awardee of the W.G. “Turk” Jones Scholarship, I want to thank the CCCD for promoting environmental education and applying practical techniques to preserve our natural resources. The experience I received from CCCD gave me a foundation for my professional career in Earth sciences and the knowledge I gained during my internship has proved to be invaluable. As a returning adult student and single parent, the cost of continuing education has been difficult and challenging, but the generosity of CCCD particularly helped me with my financial needs. Their past and present service to our community is admirable. I wish to thank the Clearfield County Conservation District for all that they have done for me, and what they continue to do for our county.

Christy Fulton
B.S. in Earth Science
Penn State University, DuBois

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