LTE: Residents Urged to Participate in LIVESTRONG Day Event

As someone who has battled cancer firsthand, its physical and emotional highs and lows, In conjunction with Carol Turner, we are organizing Clearfield Area’s first LIVESTRONG Day event on May 13th. This is Lance Armstrong Foundation’s one-day initiative to raise awareness and funds for the cancer fight through community events across the country. Our event will informally dedicate 3 symbolic trees and an existing “tree of hope” at Elliott’s Park on River Road the evening of May 13 at 7 p.m. We encourage everyone to wear yellow on LIVESTRONG Day. “LIVESTRONG means never giving up and uniting to help each other so that no one goes it alone”

560,000 Americans will lose their lives to cancer this year. Cancer is the number 1 killer of American’s under the age of 85. Clearfield County’s projected incidences of cancer is 470 cases and 190 deaths and 3 out of 4 people in their lifetime will have a family member diagnosed with cancer

Breakthroughs in treatment are being made all the time. The challenge: getting those breakthroughs out of the labs and into the hospitals and clinics where they’ll help more people. But for years now, we have had to watch cancer funding diverted or remain static at a time when 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with the disease every year. We see apathy coming out of Washington when we expect to see action.

America first declared war on cancer more than three decades ago, We now have our very own 30 Years’ War with 12 million survivors to show for it. Being an election year, we hope the candidates will show their support for this very important “war.”

We also hope that we can encourage others to continue to raise awareness about cancer in the community. The spirit inside of you is the same spirit that is inside of us. As individuals working toward the same goal with the same spirit we are a collective force to be reckoned with that can stand up even to cancer.

LIVESTRONG Wristbands are available at Dottie Evan’s Hairstyling, Clearfield Borough Office, A Cut Above the Rest, Body Matrix, Jim’s Sports Center, Silverscreen Video and Curves.

Carol Turner
John Crissman


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