LTE: Barack Obama’s Not a Unifier

Barrack Obama is not a unifier but is a divider. He lays claim to being other than politics as usual and claims that he wants to put an end to that game. But he accepts contributions and a contributor’s list from some of the biggest Washington as usual politicians such as John Kerry and Ted Kennedy. He is one in the same. Birds of the same feather flock together and it is he who has a kinship with them, not Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has been treated unfairly by the press, who has become enamored with Barrack Obama, and also by many Americans. Hillary Clinton is hounded because she does not show the soft side of her personality with everyone. Perhaps it is because she had the misfortune of being born a woman, who has to do 10 jobs at the same time, and do all of them in total perfection or else they are lambasted. Is it any wonder that Hillary has a tough outer skin? I think that everyone keeps the softer side of themselves for those who are nearest and most dear to them so why isn’t she afforded the same rights? And, is that really a requirement of a President?

I had always felt that I would vote Democratic in the upcoming election but have had to rethink that position. I thought if I didn’t vote Democratic after what this current administration had done that I would be letting my country down. But, it is Barrack Obama and the Americans who have deserted Hillary Clinton, after she has given 40 years to this country, who will run the risk of putting another Republican in office again. Barrack Obama has shown he is a very insulting person and has made this a race about gender. It never should have become one in the first place because there are too many important issues at stake. He claims Hillary cat fights and recently even called her Annie Oakley.

There are 30 percent of Hillary supporters who will not vote for Obama if he gets the nomination and I now count myself among them. We will vote for John McCain. A sexist candidate trumps the Democratic ideals as far as I am concerned. I cannot in good conscience vote for a man who is no better than what he claims he wants to change. And, I cannot vote for any human being who stereotypes any race, gender or faith. He has poisoned the well far too many times now. If this country worsens because of John McCain being elected President, the Obama supporters, particularly the middle age men and the young voters, have no one to blame except themselves.

Thank you,
Mary Anne Whitonis
Mountain Top, PA

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