Golden Tide Cagers Top Mo Valley 61-50

CURWENSVILLE- For the fourth time in their last five games the playoff bound Curwensville boys basketball squad came up with a win. The victim this time was the Black Knights from Moshannon Valley by a 61-50 count Wednesday night at Patton Hall in Curwensville. The Tide sweep the two game season series as they defeated Mo Valley earlier this year 60-47. Curwensville now has a 10-12 season record while the Black Knights fall to 7-16.

Curwensville head coach Matt Wassil said one of the keys to the victory was the play of Ryan Gardner, “Ryan a had a very nice offensive game for us. When Mo Valley got close, within 4, 5 points, he seemed to come up with the big bucket to widen the spread.“

The Black Knight’s did in fact keep the game fairly close in the first sixteen minutes as they trailed 32-25 going into the locker rooms. Coach Wassil was impressed with the way his team hit the boards, not just in the first half, but the entire contest, “ We are always concerned about our play on the boards and tonight we did a real good job. We blocked out well and didn’t allow them to get many second and third opportunities on their offensive possessions.”

Curwensville inched away in the final half as they edged their visitors from Mo Valley 29-25 to win by the eleven point margin. Again, Coach Wassil saw another bright spot, “The play of our guards on defense was a big key to this win. Rowley (Tom) did have a real good night with 14 points but we made him work very hard. That was a key going into this contest for us.”

David Kalgren lead all scorers for Curwensville with 21. Ryan Gardner had 13 and Ben McGary pumped in 11 to help the Tide. For Mo Valley they were fueled by Tom Rowley and his 14 points. Jason Dudurich added 12 for the Knights.

Moshannon Valley won the JV game over the Tide, 52-39.

Philipsburg-Osceola will visit Patton Hall Friday night to take on the Tide. The Junior varsity game starts at 6 pm followed by the varsity contest.

MOSHANNON VALLEY-Tom Rowley 6 1-1 14, Tyler Neff 2 0-0 4, Brandon Morroni 4 0-0 8, Chad Moyer 4 0-0 8, Justin Dudurich 5 2-2 12, Jason Gmerek 1 0-0 2, Braden Henry 1 0-0 2, Nick Gmerek 0 0-0 0 TOTALS 23 3-3 50

CURWENSVILLE-David Kalgren 9 2-2 21, Ben McGary 5 0-0 11, Derek Dixon 1 0-0 2, Joey Palmer 2 0-1 4, Ryan Gardner 3 4-4 13, Jed Greslick 2 2-2 6, Sam Gardner 2 0-0 4, Tyler Johns 0 0-0 0, Jesse Hoover 0 0-0 0. TOTALS 24 8-9 61

THREE-POINTERS: CURWENSVILLE-5, R. Gardner 3, McGary 1, Kalgren 1. MOSHANNON VALLEY – 1, Rowley 1.

MOSHANNON VALLEY 12 13 12 13 50
CURWENSVILLE          18 14 17 12 61

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