Curwensville Boys Squeak By Ridgway 43-41

Curwensville—-The Ridgway Elkers came into Patton Hall Wednesday night sporting a 2-16 record. Easy win for the Curwensville boys right? Wrong! The Tide broke their five game losing streak

43-41 but it wasn’t a cake walk. Not at all.

Behind senior Dan Lindgren and his 20 points the Elkers made a game of it the entire night. The big power forward had 10 each half and his ton of rebounds made for a very exciting evening. The Elkers had a three point half time, 23-20, to send the Tide to the locker room scratching their heads.

Curwensville outscored the Ridgway squad 13-8 in the third stanza to go up 33-31 after three. Brandon McDonald hit for five in the fourth quarter to help the Tide escape, literally, with the victory. The senior McDonald paced Curwensville with 13 as seniors Philip Michaels and Craig Bartlett tallied 11 each. The Tide hit some clutch free throws down the stretch to send their season record to 11-9. The Elkers had a chance to tie or go ahead at the end but just couldn’t get much of a look to upset the home team.

Curwensville’s junior varsity pulled out an equally thrilling victory 58-54 in overtime in the first game. The game was knotted at 49-49 after regulation.

Coach Matt Wassil and the Tide make the long trek to Sheffield Friday night needing another win to help themselves get possibly a better seed in the District 9 playoff picture.


RIDGWAY—-Billy Egger 2 0-0 5, Ray Buhler 1 0-0 2, Hudson Rees 2 1-1 5, Kevin Close 3 0-0 7, Dan Lindgren 8 2-3 20, Joe Renuad 0 0-0 0, Brandon Hribik 0 2-2 2, Mike Rapp 0 0-0 0 and

Nick Dickant 0 0-0 0.

TOTALS—- 16 5-6 41

CURWENSVILLE—-Philip Michaels 5 1-1 11, Shawn Sopic 2 2-2 6, Ben McGary 0 0-0 0, Brandon McDonald 5 3-4 13, Craig Bartlett 5 1-2 11, David Kalgren 0 0-0 0, and Joey Palmer 1 0-0 2.

TOTALS—-18 7-9 43.

THREE POINTERS—-Ridgway (4)—-Egger-1, Close-1 and Lindgren-2.


RIDGWAY 8 15 8 10 41

CURWENSVILLE 10 10 13 10 43

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