Harrisburg Corrections Officer Arrested in Internet Child Sex Sting

HARRISBURG – Agents from the Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit have arrested a state corrections officer accused of using the Internet to send sexually graphic nude videos to what he believed was a 13-year old girl.

State Attorney General Tom Corbett identified the defendant as Terry R. Garlock Jr., 39, of Harrisburg. Garlock is a corrections officer at the State Correctional Institution – Camp Hill.

Corbett said the “girl” was actually an undercover agent from the Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit, which was created in January 2005 to identify and apprehend Internet predators before they can harm children. This is the 60th arrest since the creation of the Child Predator Unit.

According to the criminal charges, on July 13, Garlock used a Yahoo Internet chat room to approach an agent who was using the online profile of a 13-year old girl. Garlock identified himself as a 36-year-old man from the Harrisburg area and told the girl that he worked at a prison.

Corbett said that during their initial chat, Garlock asked the girl if she was alone and then allegedly sent a live nude video transmission.

The criminal charges state that Garlock engaged in a series of sexually explicit online chats over the next several weeks, one point expressing concern about the trouble he could get into, commenting that “having sex with minors is a long time in prison.”

On Aug. 9, Garlock allegedly sent the undercover agent another nude webcam transmission of himself, adding that “I really want 2 meet u” and “I’m real serious or I wouldn’t be chatting with u now.”

Corbett said that at approximately 7:30 a.m. Thursday, agents from the Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit and Lower Paxton Township Police arrested Garlock at his Harrisburg home. Agents also seized Garlock’s computer, which will be analyzed by the Attorney General’s Computer Forensics Unit.

Garlock is charged with one count of criminal attempted unlawful contact with a minor (obscene and other sexual materials and performances) and one count of criminal use of a computer. Both charges are third degree felonies which carry maximum penalties of seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine.

Garlock was preliminarily arraigned today before Harrisburg Magisterial District Judge Joseph Lindsey and lodged in the Dauphin County Prison in lieu of $125,000 bail.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Oct. 27.

Corbett said the case will be prosecuted in Dauphin County by Senior Deputy Attorney General Anthony Forray, of the Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit.

Corbett thanked the Lower Paxton Township Police Department for their cooperation and assistance with this investigation.

Corbett noted that in addition to undercover investigations, the Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit is also involved in education and outreach efforts, teaching parents and children how to guard against Internet predators.

“Parents and children can get more information about online safety and security by visiting the ‘Kids, Parents & Schools’ section of the Attorney General’s Web site ,” Corbett said. “Additionally, I urge anyone who has information about Internet predators to contact the Child Predator Unit, toll-free, at 1-800-385-1044.”

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